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Animal Jam Fake Ads Not a Hack?

Hey jammers! So this is the first REAL post on my new blog. FYI, I do have another blog called Animal Jam Devotion! So lets just get started!

Have any of you ever seen this Animal Jam ''fake'' ad?
Well, when you click on it, it brings you to the Animal Jam home page. But if you look at the web address, it has a bunch of gobbly-goop after the part. People say if you enter your username and password on that site, you will get hacked. Also they say just clicking the ad will give you a virus. So anyways I was on Animal Jam Wiki and there was a post about someone seeing this ad and asking what it meant. I looked at the comments and saw this:
It's not a hack. Snowyclaw confirmed on her blog that a company created it. The CEO emailed her, and that some fan arts were mixed up with the advertising. I'd suggest not to jumo to conclusions next time. 
 A reply:
Link plz Ronen?
And folks don't lie?
Its probably a phis website. Jump to conclusions, whatever. Better safe than sorry is what I know

And Ronan's reply to her: 
In a professional business, how can you even afford to? Especially one with a CEO? And jumping to conlcusions leads to unnecessary hysteria.

  So I clicked the link and looked through the post and this caught my eye:
 Good news! The odd ads that jammers have been seeing are actually real.  The CEO of the advertisement company sent me an email in explanation. Apparently fan-made-art-ad was a bit of a mix up, and they'll be more careful with their visuals. The other ads are quite cool though, if you think about it. They really make you want to find out what is being advertised! ^.^

Ok, that's proof that that ad might be fake. But what about the other ads that aren't real?


  1. But its still better not just to click on it , also first!

  2. That's very, very confusing D: Yet, I agree with Fusion and PuppyGirl. You're better safe then sorry.

  3. Oh! Are you still posting on RATH?

  4. Your art request is up on my YouTube channel and google+!
    Here are the links if you don't already have them:
    YouTube -

    G+ -

  5. Snowyclaw's word is not law, though. She could be lying.

  6. I pressed it once i never entered anything it was scary :(
